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Home » News » How Daylight Can Contribute To Myopia Management In Children

How Daylight Can Contribute To Myopia Management In Children

In a world dominated by screens and gadgets, myopia is rising among children. But amidst the digital frenzy, a natural ally awaits — daylight. We uncover the untapped potential of daylight for managing myopia in children. From fascinating research findings to practical tips, this blog unveils how a dose of sunshine can illuminate the path to a lifetime of clear vision and healthier eyes for your little ones.

Is your child spending too much time indoors on devices? Protect their eyesight by booking an eye exam at Lucent Family Eye Care in Burnaby. Our team will assess their vision health and provide recommendations for a clear future.

Understanding Myopia and Its Prevalence Among Children

Myopia (nearsightedness) is a refractive error that affects the eye's ability to focus on distant objects. In individuals with myopia, light rays entering the eye are focused in front of the retina instead of directly on it, leading to blurred vision when looking at objects in the distance. This condition can occur due to various factors, including genetics, environmental influences, and lifestyle choices.

Myopia has become a significant public health concern recently, particularly among children. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), myopia is estimated to affect approximately 52% of the world’s population by 2050. This has prompted eye care professionals and researchers to delve deeper into understanding its causes and exploring effective management strategies.

The role of outdoor time in daylight has emerged as a promising preventive measure for myopia onset and progression, offering hope for a brighter and clearer future for our younger generations.

Embracing Daylight for Myopia Control

Outdoor and indoor light differ in brightness, the colours they contain, and how they flicker. Even on cloudy or shaded days, outdoor light is brighter than indoor light.

Child using tabletAs outlined in the International Myopia Institute (IMI) white papers, many studies have shown that spending time outdoors in daylight helps prevent myopia and may slow its progression in children. Experts recommend children spend at least 80 minutes outdoors every day, and for every extra 45 minutes, the risk of developing myopia is reduced by 20%.

The Benefits of Daylight in Myopia Management

Daylight offers a multitude of benefits in myopia management, including:

  1. Enhanced Exposure to Beneficial Wavelengths: Daylight provides a rich spectrum of wavelengths, essential for maintaining a healthy circadian rhythm and promoting optimal visual function.
  2. Dopamine-Induced Eye Growth Regulation: Increased exposure to outdoor light triggers the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps slow the elongation of the eye, thereby reducing the risk of myopia progression.
  3. Reduced Screen Time: Spending time outdoors encourages children to disconnect from digital devices, reducing eye strain and supporting better eye health.
  4. Varied Visual Stimuli: Outdoor environments offer a more diverse field of vision than indoor settings, which can alleviate the strain associated with prolonged near work.
  5. Improved Contrast Sensitivity: Daylight conditions provide superior contrast levels, enhancing visual comfort and performance.
  6. Encouragement of Physical Activity: Engaging in outdoor play and activities fosters more physical movement, promoting overall physical health and well-being.

Experts recommend balancing screen time and outdoor activities to protect children's developing eyes. With children spending more time indoors on devices, incorporating outdoor time can help prevent myopia and slow its progression.

Tips for Maximizing Kids' Outdoor Play

In today's digital age, encouraging children to spend more time outdoors can be rewarding for their physical and visual health. Here are some practical tips for parents to increase their children's outdoor time:

  1. Limit Screen Time: Set specific daily limits on screen time and the use of technology.
  2. Family Outdoor Activities: Plan outdoor activities that the whole family can enjoy together.
  3. Active Commuting: Opt for active modes of transportation, like walking or biking, when feasible. Consider parking a few minutes away from school and walking together.
  4. Attend Local Outdoor Events: Check out local outdoor events, like musical performances, plays, or art festivals, that provide a fun and engaging way for children to experience the outdoors.
  5. Animal-Centred Outings: Visit zoos, aquariums, or wildlife sanctuaries, where animals take centre stage.
  6. Embrace Gardening: Take up gardening as a recurring family activity.
  7. Make it Fun: Make outdoor activities enjoyable and exciting for children. Organize scavenger hunts, nature walks, or outdoor games that pique their curiosity.

Lucent Family Eye Care's Approach to Personalized Myopia Management

Children playing bubblesOur Myopia Management Center in Burnaby provides comprehensive and evidence-based treatments to slow myopia progression in children. Our team of eye doctors works closely with parents to create customized treatment programs tailored to the unique needs of every child. Through careful monitoring and regular reviews every 3-6 months, we assess the efficacy of the chosen treatment modality and make adjustments as necessary to maximize success.

We offer several different treatment options:

  • One of our highly effective treatments is the MiyoSmart lens with Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments (D.I.M.S.) technology. This innovative ophthalmic lens has been clinically proven to curb myopic progression.
  • Another treatment option we offer is atropine therapy, which dilates the pupil and relaxes the eye muscles, effectively slowing down myopia development in low doses.
  • We also provide orthokeratology (ortho-K) using custom-fitted rigid gas-permeable (RGP) contact lenses. Ortho-K lenses are worn overnight, gently reshaping the cornea during sleep, and are removed in the morning to provide crisp and clear vision throughout the day.

As a myopia management practice, we stay at the forefront of the latest research, ensuring that our treatment options are evidence-based and maximizing the chances of your child's success in managing their myopia. Schedule an appointment at Lucent Family Eye Care and let our experienced team guide you toward preserving your child's eye health and ensuring a clear and promising tomorrow.