We strive to make your visit as comfortable and pleasant as possible
At Lucent Family Eye Care. During or before your visit, please mention any concerns or special requests and we will try our best to accommodate. Our eye doctors want to improve your lives by giving you the most comprehensive eye examination possible, thereby giving you peace of mind that your eyes are well taken care of. Our opticians want you to look your absolute best when selecting eyewear, because we understand that you will be wearing your eyewear on a daily basis and we want you to love them for many years to come. Our opticians offer their expertise and honest opinions as to which frames and lenses will be the most suitable for you. While you're waiting for your appointment, a family member's appointment, or getting your eyewear made by our experienced lab technician, ask us for an espresso, cappuccino, or latte from our Nespresso Lattissima Plus espresso machine or maybe a cup of tea from our Teavana & David’s tea collection! We've got several flavours to choose from. Don't be shy!

About MiyoSmart Lenses
MiyoSmart lens with Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments (D.I.M.S.) technology could not come at a better time. MiyoSmart is a clinically-proven innovative ophthalmic lens that works to curb myopic progression on average by 59% and has proven to reduce the axial elongation by 60%.
The lens is UV protected, impact-resistant, lightweight, and offers perfect optical clarity. Furthermore, it is easy to clean and coated with an anti-reflective durable coating.
How Does MiyoSmart Work?
Myopia is caused by the elongation of axial length of the eyeball. However, research shows that axial length of the eyeball is affected by the position of an image projected in relation to the retina. So when the position of the projected image is located continuously in front of the retina, the axial length tends to become shorter. This indicates that projecting images in front and on the retina at the same time can control axial growth and myopia progression.
MiyoSmart with D.I.M.S. technology is a single vision corrective lens with a convex surface that is made up of hundreds of small segments, each providing myopic defocus.This lens structure makes it possible to simultaneously slow the growth of the eyeball and provide clear vision.
To learn more about MiyoSmart Lenses, contact Dr. Yee today.